
Creativeness and unexpected flavor combinations made me surprised. They're doing lots of interesting things with good ingredients. Some of plates are too unusual flavor for me. Probably some thai spices. But I'm happy with that! I wanted to try a chicken dish but it's already finished unfortunately>< Might be next time? Ordered: The Red Eyes(420bath) ...Grilled White Phrawns, Textures of Daikon, Local herbs, Prawn Puree, Fermented Thai Aromas. Underwater Memories(400bath) ...Miso cured cuttlefish, Charcoal Grilled Tentacles, Crispy local yam, Steamed and Fermented cabbage, Local seaweed, Kumquat Sour Cream. Thai Wagyu Bavette(750bath) ...Cast Iron Roasted Bavette, Cauliflower and Rose apple puree, Shaved Rose Apple and c Cauliflower, Water Chestnuts, Spicy beef jus, Zer-Lu-Za. #thaifusion #creativeness #myfirstThaiWagyu

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