原個椰子雪糕 (100baut, 約$27) 游泳完上岸吃雪糕 找了一會就有之前IGer 介紹的椰子雪糕 100銖雖然買貴了,但在遊客地方沒所謂了 從一整個椰子開始開 先喝裏面的椰青水 清甜,解渴,不做作的味道 喝過了,總感覺香港的喝完總有點膩 然後店家就把椰肉一圈一圈的起出來 再加上糯米飯,花生粒,和主角 三整球椰子味雪糕 再用剛才的椰肉再鋪面 椰肉的爽,加上椰子雪糕的甜, 和糯米飯的煙韌,太美味了 加上花生粒的有如錦上添花 香港應該較難搵到 Coconut ice cream - made by a freshly opened coconut, you can enjoy the water from the coconut, raw, original and authentic. Then sliced into crispy white slices to serve with a bed of glutenous rice three full scoops of homemade coconut ice cream and topped simply with chopped peanuts. Taste light but great, a perfect treat after a early morning swim. #traveltobkk

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