
トンロー、バンコク🇹🇭Thara Rom 2 Alley, Bangkok. Hidden bar owned by Japanese nice guy! Japanese hipster available:) When i was here, a bar hopping group steped by this bar for a hour. so very croweded and more lively than usual!! Live music by Japanese DJ was so cool. I wanna come again. Unique decorations of inside was made by themselves. soooo fantastic! Kenji's labから徒歩圏内にあるカッコイイBar!オーナーさんが凄く明るい日本の方で、楽しめました。たまたまこの日はバー巡りしてる15人ぐらいのグループがちょうどいる時で、すごい混んでた。笑 今度はゆっくり飲めるときにまた来たい! #hiddenbar #bar #japanese #hipster #bangkok #thonglor

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