
🇹🇭Chiangmai🇹🇭 My memory in Chiangmai last April. KanVela is located near Chiangmai airport. I discovered my best chocolate this year which is Guava chilli & salt in Kan Vela!! I don't remember how many chocolates I tried in one All kinds of flavor is delicious but Guava chilli & salt is best✨ I bought Cacao Husk tea for my souvenir. It is pretty healty tea because high in anti-oxidents, high in magnesium and vegan and keto friendly. You can feel much chocolates smell comes from pure Cacao. Cacao Husk tea ・Sugar free ・Gluten free ・Caffeine free ・Dairy free KanVelaというチェンマイ空港の近くにあるチョコレート店。いろんなフレーバーを試したのですが、Guava chilli & salt味がドンピシャ好みで、おかわりした笑 お土産にも買って、チョコ三昧。チェンマイで美味しいチョコに出会えてハッピー。お土産に買ったカカオティーもすごく美味しかったので、最近ハマってます。

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