
[Wah Lau Eh! Update] Back in my local, Devilish, which has served my family faithfully for most part of 6 years. It's not an exaggeration to say that Andrew and Patrick watched (and are still watching) my kids grow up. There were ups and downs over the years (mainly ups) but their passion to solve hunger problems with decadent plates at accessible prices remains unchanged, and continuously come up with new dishes week after week(to do this for the best part of a decade is not easy). We mostly have their low and slow BBQ and Fish 'n Chips. I also like their cherry coke. All you see, for around 1200THB with free-flow salad bar! #wahlauehstampofapproval #devilisheats #lowandslowbbq #fishnchips #ilovemyhood #strangerinbangkok #เพื่อแซลมอน #tespowerequipment

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